Benggu's Journal

Where Benggu will post her random ramblings about meaningless things. They may be interesting. They may not be.


  1. First Blog!
  2. Ramblings #1
  3. nekoweb

nekoweb is pretty cool

4-20-2024-5:04 PM-KST

Yesterday, while having another violently unproductive study session(aka benggu browses every single corner of the internet session even though her EXAMS ARE TOMORROW), I happened upon this cute little site called nekoweb! It's pretty much Neocities but a bit smaller(for now!). And they let you customize the site box(the one where they show you a screen shot of your site) too! Neat!

Now, the reasonable thing to do would be to move on and come back later, preferably when there isn't any exams due tomorrow, but I, being your typical hormonificated teenager, am not a reasonable person. So I made a site. for like five hours. fuck. At least the site turned out nice.

Housepen? That's the alias I've been wanting to go by. I think it's got a nice ring to it.

Honest opinion? The site editor is AWESOME. It has autofill, and it's easier to access the dashboard and your other files while editing, instead of the mess of tabs that I have to use with Neocities. Not to mention how adorable it is. The cute tiled cat background and the hand drawn kitty banner cheering you on in the back really help when you're working on the frustrating parts of css.

And beyond the editor, Neocities feels too settled these days. It's like eleven now, right? It's pretty hard to break into this environment. I guess I sorta like the kind of "fresh face" feel nekoweb has right now. It's only got 3000 sites as of today, as opposed to the MASSIVE 776,000 (according to google) neocities hosts. It helps that nekoweb has a centralized discord server too. Neocities only has one for it's subreddit.

It kind of sounds like I'm shitting on Neocities. I guess I am. I'm not trying to, though. Neocities has so much to offer! I'm only trying to highlight the positives of the site. Neocities is better in that there's a lot more resources for it, and also it's just a bit more functional. My nekoweb sitebox *still* hasn't loaded the site preview. (I wonder if it's a problem on my end.)

I don't raelly know how to end this. Uh. Here's my site. It's a lot cuter than this one. Maybe the cats influenced me or whatever.

Looking forward to having two unfinished sites!! ^_^

I only really made this post so I could make the scrollbar appear so I could test out the directory lmao

4-21-2024-10:10 PM-KST

What's with my obsession with overly long titles? It kind of ruins the whole 'neat, clean' design thing I don't have going on here. This site looks shitty as hell. I'll tell people it's for aesthetic purposes, but in reality I'm begging for help on how to make my site cuter. Kind of. I'd just like a couple textures here and there. Something to make it a bit more interesting.

Cause I mean, this site is kind of static compared to other sites. I sacrificed the homepage's interactivity for a semi-realistic bathroom. I could've been adding newsfeeds, guestbooks, updates, but I decided I did not want any of those engaging components, oh no, I wanted a bathroom and bathroom I was going to get. I don't really regret that, but I wish there was a way to have both. (There probably is.)

Speaking of the bathroom, I am having real trouble finding a decent towel rack for it. I found a pretty good one on Amazon's listing (I don't know if I'm allowed to take from that), but Amazon apparently doesn't use transparent images. All the other towel racks are like, either empty or for bath towels. I don't want bath towels. I want regular towels.


4-21-2024-10:07 PM-KST

title says it all, I think. I need to look into Zonelets or whatever. Thing is, I don't really like how Zonelets looks. Or maybe it's customizable, but I haven't seen any sites with the Zonelets engine that doesn't have that same left-right sidebar template. Maybe I have but they didn't really let me know it was a Zonelets. Probably because they modified it? Again, if they even can do that.